As a fifty year veteran of the computer industry, I have an unfair advantage over most computer users today. It’s not so much the skill set, as that can be developed the same way I have had to annually. Rather, it’s the simple fact that I’m not afraid of breaking things because I have a path to recovery.

This first set of articles is my attempt to pass along the tools and information necessary for you to have that level of comfort, knowing that, short of throwing your computer across the room, you’ve likely got a recovery path from whatever mess you happen to get into, and it’s not so difficult that you would be afraid to go down the road less travelled

We’ll cover:

  1. several ways to backup your computer
  2. making a technician’s boot disk that your computer can boot into even if the hard disk is completely corrupted
  3. a path to some tools and scripts to make your life easier, or cover exceptions
  4. some ways to get rid of the bloat and clutter on your PC

It’s not all inclusive, but this stuff does represent 95% of what I have that gives me the confidence to keep my computers, and those of others, running at their very best.

Please ENJOY!!